Browsing Posts in Presentations

A big thanks to everyone who attended my sessions earlier this week at DevTeach. When I give a presentation, my success criteria is that I get you excited enough to continue investigating the topic yourself. So an extra special thanks to all the attendees who took the time to talk to me afterwards. I obviously […]

Thanks to everyone who came out to my sessions at Prairie Dev Con in Regina last week. Once again, D’Arcy Lussier put on a great conference. Testable JavaScript QUnit JavaScript Koans Jasmine Jasmine-jQuery Mocha Chai The slide deck for Testable JavaScript is available here and the demos here. ASP.NET MVC/Ruby on Rails Death Match The […]

Thank you to everyone who came out to my sessions at the NYC Code Camp. I had an awesome time and I hope that you did too. If you’re looking for resources and/or slide decks, you’ve come to the right place. Testable JavaScript QUnit JavaScript Koans Jasmine Jasmine-jQuery Mocha Chai The slide deck for Testable […]

I’ll be in Saint Louis, MO in mid-July to speak at the local Ruby and JavaScript user groups. St. Louis Ruby User Group Wednesday, July 18, 2012 @ 6:30pm The Able Few LLC (2603 Cherokee Street, Saint Louis, MO) TDD/BDD with RSpec and Cucumber RSpec and Cucumber are the bread and butter of Ruby development. […]

InfoQ has made another of my DevTeach talks available online – TDD/BDD as Architectural Tools. Enjoy! TDD/BDD as Architectural Tools As architects, we have all experienced the folly of BDUF (Big Design Up Front) – spending weeks or months perfecting an architecture that fails when it meets the real requirements and real code. Is it […]

A friend just pointed out that my presentation on “Convention-over-Configuration in an Agile World” is being featured by InfoQ. (The speaker is always the last to know.) I’m honoured and humbled by the great responses from folks. Worst criticism so far is that the presentation isn’t about TDD/BDD. Well, it’s not. Here is my original […]

Another year, another fun time at DevTeach. Thanks to everyone who came out to my sessions and asked questions. For those interested, you can download slides and demos from here: TDD/BDD as Architectural Tools (slides | code) Convention-over-Configuration (slides | code) Agile Development with IoC and ORM (slides | code) N.B. Code is compressed with […]

Thanks to everyone who came out to my session on Convention-over-Configuration on the Web at TechDays Calgary 2010. I enjoyed sharing my ideas about convention-over-configuration and how it can simplify software development. You expend some serious brain power over figuring out how to enable your application-specific conventions, but everything after that flows easily and without […]

Prairie Dev Con was a blast. Great job by D’Arcy on organizing the conference. Thank you to everyone who attended my sessions and especially those who asked questions. I also enjoyed catching up with many of my friends who showed up, even if I was only able to speak to some of the briefly. (It […]

Another year, another DevTeach. A big thank you to everyone involved. To the organizers, Jean-Rene Roy and Maryse Dubois, thank you for continuing to support and encourage the Canadian developer community. To my fellow Tech Chairs, for helping select an awesome array of both local and international talent to present. To my fellow speakers, for […]