Browsing Posts published in May, 2008

I’ve received a lot of great feedback on Becoming a Jedi and was planning on having the next episode done already. Unfortunately lightning struck twice. While fighting a horrid sore throat -likely the same illness that had Roy Osherove missing two of his three DevTeach presentations – my motherboard on my main dev box died […]

I’ll be one of the speakers at the Calgary .NET User Group this Thursday. First up is Daryl Rasmussem… Building ASP.NET/AJAX with Visual Studio 2008 by Daryl Rasmussem AJAX is now built into ASP.NET with Visual Studio 2008 – and because there’s no separate download to install, the fully integrated nature of AJAX gives you […]

Another DevTeach has come and gone. I had an awesome time. I enjoyed hanging out with old friends and meeting some new ones. I saw a lot of great sessions, but the best part, as always, is the hallway and bar conversations. (No, I still haven’t quite figured out Metastones, even after playing for hours.) […]

…a ReSharper Jedi, that is. I am making no claims about my own ReSharper Jedi abilities. JP and Oren are known ReSharper Jedi Masters. I feel more like Luke Skywalker when he first landed on Dagobah in comparison. Back to the point of this post… Many developers don’t see the value of JetBrains’ ReSharper until […]