Browsing Posts published in January, 2011

We’ve all done it at one point or another. Our application throws an exception and we start wading through a standard Windows error dialog or a log file to examine the exception and stack trace. If you’re a ReSharper Jedi, you’ve probably copied the exception and stack trace to the clipboard and hit CTRL-SHIFT-E (IDEA) […]

[Code for this article is available on GitHub here.] In this post, we’ll examine the ways that NHibernate supports the DateTime-related data types, including some new features introduced in NHibernate 2 and 3. Here is a quick summary for the impatient. DbType .NET SQL Type DateTime System.DateTime datetime LocalDateTime System.DateTime datetime UtcDateTime System.DateTime datetime DateTimeOffset […]

[Code for this article is available on GitHub here.] One of the new features in NHibernate 3 is the addition of a fluent API for configuring NHibernate through code. Fluent NHibernate has provided a fluent configuration API for awhile, but now we have an option built into NHibernate itself. (Personally I prefer the new Loquacious […]