factory_girl.jpgAs some of you might have noticed, I’ve been talking about Ruby and Ruby on Rails more recently. It’s often good to get outside your comfort zone and see how other (web) developers live. One of the areas where Ruby really excels is the wealth of innovative testing/spec’ing libraries available. When writing tests/specs, we need objects to play with. Ruby has a variety of options in this regard, but I particularly like the factory approach espoused by gems such as factory_girl or machinist. I’m partial to factory_girl. So let’s take a look at the syntax and see if we can create something similar for .NET. First off, let’s take a look at the usage syntax:

describe Site do
  it "should register a new user" do  
    user = FactoryGirl.build(:user)
    site = Site.new
    site.users.should include(user)

If we want to customize the instance, we can do that too by passing in a hash as the second argument:

describe Site do
  it "should not register new admin users" do
    user = FactoryGirl.build(:user, :admin => true)
    site = Site.new
    site.should_not include(user)

What is interesting about factory_girl is that we can create instances of objects without the visual clutter of irrelevant properties. A user requires a first and last name, but in the above cases, we don’t care what they are. In the second case, we can see that the user being an admin is important for this test/spec. By removing the irrelevant properties, we can quickly see at a glance the data that matters for this spec. We also have the advantage that as properties are added to the User class, we have one place to update them (e.g. in the factory_girl definition) and we don’t have to wade back through all our tests adding values for required properties.

ASIDE: Now you might be tempted to say that we’ve been doing something like this in .NET with the Object Mother pattern. The Object Mother pattern is a factory of sorts. The problem is that it tends to be a dumping ground for different variations of the test objects. For example, ObjectMother.CreateUser(), ObjectMother.CreateAdminUser(), ObjectMother.CreateUserWithFirstName(string firstName), ObjectMother.CreateAdminUserWithFirstName(string firstName). The result is a tightly-coupled big ball of testing mud where the team is loathe to re-use ObjectMother methods for fear of breaking other tests. So you end up with this sprawling mass of methods for creating test data, which is separated from the tests themselves. Not a good place to be in.

Let’s look at the syntax for defining our factories in factory_girl:

FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :user do
    first_name 'John'
    last_name  'Doe'
    admin      false

There is a lot more to factory_girl than I’ve covered above. When defining factories, you can create associations, lazy attributes, aliases, sequences, callbacks, and much more to keep your factories clean, lean, and mean. When using the factories, there is more than just FactoryGirl.build. There is also FactoryGirl.create, which saves the built instance to the database, FactoryGirl.attributes_for, which provides you with a hash of values often useful for testing Controller create actions, and FactoryGirl.build_stubbed, which returns a stubbed out instance. Here we’re going to focus on FactoryGirl.build to see how close we can get to the Ruby syntax, but written in C#.

Let’s start by looking at what our definition syntax could look like in C#.

FactoryGirl.Define(() => new User());

We give FactoryGirl a Func<T> that creates an instance of the object. Note the use of C# type inferencing so that we don’t have to specify the generic method argument on FactoryGirl.Define.

public static class FactoryGirl {
  private static readonly IDictionary<Type, Func<object>> builders = new Dictinonary<Type, Func<object>>();

  public static void Define<T>(Func<T> builder) {
    if(builders.ContainsKey(typeof(T))) throw new DuplicateFactoryException();
    builders.Add(typeof(T), () => builder());

Basically I’m just keeping a hash table of Type versus Func<T>. That way when I get asked to build an object later, I can look it up and run the Func<T>. I have to play some games with the C# type system. My hash table has to store Func<object> because the generic parameter is declared on the methods, not the class. C# is also not able to implicitly convert Func<T> to Func<object>. So I have to add a lambda to the hash table that calls the builder rather than adding the builder directly.

builders.Add(typeof(T), builder); // Compiler error

Whereas the following makes the C# compiler happy.

builders.Add(typeof(T), () => builder()); // Compiler is happy

Now let’s look at the API for building an object.

var user = FactoryGirl.Build<User>();

From an implementation standpoint, we simply need to find the appropriate Func<T> and execute it.

public static class FactoryGirl {
  public static T Build<T>() {
    return (T) builders[typeof(T)];

Simple enough. Now if we want to customize the object built…

var admin = FactoryGirl.Build<User>(x => x.Admin = true);

We really just need to accept an Action<T>, which we will execute after the object is constructed.

public static class FactoryGirl {
  public static T Build<T>(Action<T> overrides) {
    var result = (T) builders[typeof(T)];
    return result;

With this simple implementation, we now have a central place to define our factories and build objects. Any customizations required are in the tests/specs themselves making it easier to understand our intentions in the tests/specs. When we add a new required property, we need to simply update our factory definition with an appropriate default. If needed, you can easily call FactoryGirl.Build() from within a factory definition. I have used this FactoryGirl technique in a production application and it dramatically cleaned up our specification code as compared to a previous project that used Object Mother. I hope it gives you some ideas of how to clean up your own test/spec code. If you are curious about the code or interested in extending FactoryGirl.NET to add some missing capabilities, such as Create, AttributesFor, BuildStubbed, or anything else, you can find the code on GitHub.com here.

UPDATE: A few people have asked me about customizing multiple properties when building an object. FactoryGirl.NET already supports this using the following syntax:

var user = FactoryGirl.Build<User>(x => {
                x.Admin = true;
                x.Age = 42;