Browsing Posts in Miscellaneous

I’ve received a lot of great feedback on Becoming a Jedi and was planning on having the next episode done already. Unfortunately lightning struck twice. While fighting a horrid sore throat -likely the same illness that had Roy Osherove missing two of his three DevTeach presentations – my motherboard on my main dev box died […]

Earlier today, an unknown hacker exploited a security vulnerability in ScrewTurn Wiki and replaced the altnetpedia site with pron links. I have restored the site and upgraded to the latest version of ScrewTurn, which is v2.0.30. (We were running v2.0.21 and the vulnerability was fixed in v2.0.24.) My bad for not keeping the site updated […]

Yes, it’s true. My CodeBetter friends have invited me to join their ranks and I’ve accepted. Like JP, I’ll still be cross-syndicating to both my CodeBetter blog and my own site. No need to subscribe to both. You’ll get the same content either way. To my old readers, sit back, relax, and keep enjoying yourselves. […]

I know many developers still swear by Windows XP, but I actually like many of the improvements in Windows Vista. Yes, Vista still has some rough edges, but overall it’s a pleasant experience. That said, one of the best features of Vista is the new Start menu. Rather than clicking through a bunch of cascading […]

I know a few friends who are absolute keyboard junkies. They won’t even touch the mouse unless absolutely necessary. I tend to be more pragmatic about my keyboard use. If I use an application a lot, I learn the keyboard shortcuts. Otherwise I just reach for the mouse. That said, here are some keyboard shortcuts […]

…for another year as an MVP. I just heard today that I was re-awarded as a MVP in Solutions Architecture for 2008. Another fun year of mischief, mayhem, and coding. You can always catch my latest misadventures here on my blog or get a summary version on my MVP profile. Thanks to my family and the community […]

You’ve encountered a dreaded <Colour> Screen of Death (where Colour = Blue, Black, Yellow, Fuschia, etc.) or similar problem. After googling the error message, you come across a blog post (maybe one of mine) referring you to some Microsoft Knowledge Base Article for a hotfix. The good news is you’ve done all the legwork and you know […]

(via Jean-Paul Boodhoo) Manoj Khanna just created the Calgary Open Source Group specifically to foster the use of open source software in the Calgary market. Here is the group’s mandate: “Calgary Open Source Group (COSG) is a forum that promotes the spread of Open Source Software and Free Software culture in Calgary. Through lively debate/talks, […]

Every time I need to set up a bunch of virtual machines, I have to go back and look up where to find the Sysprep tool and how to use it. Here are the details so I can find it in the future… In case you haven’t encountered Sysprep before, it is a tool that […]

Alright, I call uncle. Justice tagged me way back on April 17, 2007. I emailed him back saying that my major plan for the summer was to spend more time with my family and overall, I’ve been successful at that. Seems that this answer wasn’t good enough for Justice and took me to task publicly. […]