Browsing Posts in .NET General

Hot off the presses from Somasegar, Microsoft just shipped Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0!!! This is a huge release and a great accomplishment for Microsoft. We haven’t seen this much goodness since .NET Framework 1.0 was released. Congratulations to everyone who has been involved in making this happen. Grab the RTM bits while they’re […]

The NHibernate team has released version 1.0 of its excellent object-relational mapping (ORM) framework. NHibernate is a .NET port of the popular Hibernate framework seen in many Java projects. For those of you unfamiliar with ORM, you describe the mapping of your object model to your database using a meta-model, which for NHibernate is stored in […]

Thanks to everyone for coming out to the Double Header last night. I enjoyed presenting to the Calgary .NET User Group again and look forward to presenting to the group in the future. I have posted Tools of the Trade: Must-Have .NET Utilities. Links to all the tools are included in the presentation. (Some of […]

The Alberta .NET User Group is starting a new season and this one is kicking off with a former collegue of mine, Ron Matyjanka, presenting one of my talks, Tools of the Trade – Must-Have .NET Utilities. Pre-registration is required, which you can do on the AB.NET website. If you can’t make Ron’s talk, I’ll be presenting an […]

Another thing that’s been kicking around for awhile and I figured it was time to persist to long-term storage. Here are the three top-level places in a WinForms app where you absolutely need exception handling routines to ensure that all exceptions are caught: try/catch around Main() Attach a System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler to Application.ThreadException Attach a UnhandledExceptionEventHandler to […]

If you haven’t checked them out yet, take a look at the MSDN Forums. I’ve been assisting with the Forums since they launched earlier this year and was asked to be a MSDN Forums Moderator recently. They were originally launched to answer questions about VS 2005, .NET Framework 2.0, and SQL Server 2005, but have […]

Fantastic! I’ve been selected as a member of the INETA Community Launch Team for Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005! You want me to talk about cool new features in the upcoming releases? No problemo. The only question is how to cover all the new goodness that we’ll be receiving November 7? I’m sure […]

Microsoft just completed a DCR (Design Change Request) that rippled through the entirety of .NET 2.0 and will be available in the August CTP. They made Nullables truly null! Why is this a big deal? Consider the following C# code snippet running under Beta 2: static bool IsNull<T>(T val) {   return val == null;}static void Main() […]

I get this question relatively frequently: “I need to send binary data in my SOAP message. What is the recommended way of doing this?” (I’ll admit that I’m a bit late to the party on this one. Most of the information below is summarized from the referenced sources near the end of this post.) You […]

Kit George, Joe Duffy, and Steve Herndon of the .NET Framework BCL Team are coming to Calgary to talk about CLR 2.0. Way cool! The chat is being hosted by the Alberta .NET User Group. Sign up there.