…a ReSharper Jedi, that is. I am making no claims about my own ReSharper Jedi abilities. JP and Oren are known ReSharper Jedi Masters. I feel more like Luke Skywalker when he first landed on Dagobah in comparison. Back to the point of this post…

Many developers don’t see the value of JetBrains’ ReSharper until they’ve seen it in action. So I’m putting together this screencast series to show off my favourite ReSharper features. My goal is to keep each screencast to 5 to 10 minutes and focus on a related set of capabilities. In the first episode, I look at ReSharper’s Code Browsing – CTRL-N, CTRL-B, CTRL-ALT-B, ALT-F7, and related.

Streaming: Becoming a Jedi – Part 1: Code Browsing (requires Silverlight 1.0 or higher)*

Download: Becoming a Jedi – Part 1: Code Browsing (via Live SkyDrive)

Before someone makes a snarky comment about my coding speed, I’m intentionally taking the time to explain the features. That and I’m not as adept as some at coding and talking at the same time. Hopefully I’ll improve with practice as this screencast series progresses. Any constructive feedback on the content or presentation style is appreciated. Enjoy!

* I am encoding the series using Silverlight 1.0 for two reasons:

  1. In my tests with Camtasia, the Silverlight version scaled better than the Flash version. Text in Visual Studio remained clearer as the video was resized. The original recording is at 1024×768, but is still legible when scaled to 640×480 or smaller.
  2. I can host the content on Silverlight Streaming for free. When you sign up for an account, you get 10 GB of storage and 5 TB of bandwidth per month. The videos are distributed by Microsoft’s content delivery network and streamed from a server close to the viewer. As an author you simply upload your videos to Silverlight Streaming and Microsoft does the rest. I also don’t run the risk of blowing the bandwidth allotment at my hosting provider and incurring charges for bandwidth overages.