JBAcademyI’d like to thank the Academy… No, I haven’t won best-supporting actor for my portrayal of a mild-mannered .NET developer in some smash blockbuster. (At least not yet.) I’ve been accepted as a member of the JetBrains Academy. What is it all about? The Academy’s mission statement says it best:

The JetBrains Development Academy fosters a community of experts and evangelists to champion best development practices and promote software innovation worldwide. The Academy serves as a connection point for developers who strive to adopt top methodologies and use JetBrains products to help them achieve that goal.

You can find my Academy profile here. (No, I didn’t write it, though I am flattered.) The profile fits with the general tone of the Academy, as can be seen by reading the profiles of my good friends, Donald Belcham and JP Boodhoo. I wish I could be “as mellow, smooth, and intoxicating as [Donald’s] favorite single malt scotch”.