I am now a card-carrying member of the MSDN Canada Speakers Bureau*. (OK, maybe they don’t issue cards, but it’s still a great honour.) The long and short of it is that user groups from across Canada can invite me to speak and Microsoft Canada will cover the expenses.

Here are some possible topics:

  • Enterprise Architecture for Mere Mortals: Authentication
    • Discussing advantages/disadvantages of different authentication models and how to make them work, including trusted subsystem, full delegation, constrained delegation, and protocol transition.
  • Tools of the Trade: Must-Have .NET Utilities
    • An overview of .NET tools that should be in your toolbox.
  • ASP.NET Kung-Fu: Advanced Techniques and Idioms
    • Solving problems in ASP.NET using techniques such as HttpHandlers and HttpModules.
  • Introducing Windows CardSpace
    • Looking at the technology, its architecture, and why you should care.

I’ll be adding more presentations in the coming months. So if you are looking for someone to present on a particular topic, don’t hesitate to ask. I might have something in my back pocket…

* Please note that the public page is horribly out-of-date. Some people have incorrect information. Others, such as Jean-Paul Boodhoo, are not yet listed. User Group leaders have up-to-date information on all speakers. Talk to them about inviting one of us to come speak at your user group.

BTW – If you’re looking for a fantastic presenter to talk about TDD, Agile, and patterns, I would highly recommend inviting Jean-Paul out to your user group.