.NET Framework 3.0 or FFKAWFX (The Framework Formerly Known as WinFX – TFFKAWFX – or more simply The Framework) has hit the RC1 milestone. Congratulations to the entire Microsoft team. We’re getting very close to a time when we can deploy production applications* using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) aka Indigo, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) aka Avalon, Windows CardSpace (WCS) aka InfoCard, and Windows Workflow (WF) aka No Widely Spread Codename. You can get the latest bits here**:

* We’ve got GoLive licenses for the technologies, but I know my clients want RTM before they’ll even consider it for their projects.

** As of this writing, NetFx3.com still points to the July CTP bits. I would expect it to point to the RC1 bits within the next few days.